nebhands Community Guide - Informational Services - Overview
Overview :: Planning :: Implementation :: Evaluation

The first planning consideration of a group or organization interested in developing one of the supportive services is which behavioral health issue you will address.

The second planning consideration is identifying the population you will serve.

The third planning consideration is the specific type of supportive service being offered. The matrix below can help the organization decide which service its best with the mission of the organization and the resources available to deliver the service.

Support Service
Level of Organizational Infrastructure Needed*
Facilities or Equipment Needed

Relative Cost of
Start up

Housing Medium House, Apartments, or similar facility High costs may be associated with facilities and insurance
Transportation Low Van or Cars of volunteers Could be high if van or bus is purchased, costs may be low if volunteers offer their own
Employment Low May not require facilities Can be low cost if volunteers are used; cost may be high if paid supportive employment is chosen as avenue of service
Education Low May not require facilities Similar to Employment - if volunteers are used cost is low; Costs may increase when service is self contained like a computer lab
Independent Living Skills Low May not require facilities Start up costs typically involve training of volunteers or staff to assist within the community setting
Respite Medium Facility or home Start up costs include training of volunteers or staff; may require facility costs if that model is chosen
Mentoring Low No facility is required Costs are low and may only involve those associated with training and organization of mentors
Support Groups Low A place to meet Low cost or no cost


No facility is required Low cost or no cost
Care Management or Coordination High No facility is required Cost is associated with training and professionalization of service. The use of volunteers may lessen cost, but sophistication of volunteers is required. This is often a service that uses paid staff

* This includes sophistication in formal organizational structures like accounting, personnel management, technology, etc. High levels are associated with organizations that have policies and procedures in place, paid staff dedicated to running the organization and formal status as a non-profit or for profit organization. Medium levels include capabilities for tracking funds and at least part time paid staff. Low levels are associated with groups that may depend mostly on volunteers, have rudimentary bookkeeping capabilities, or only a few staff in place.